
Skin Care During Pregnancy


Hey gorgeous, let's bust a common pregnancy skincare myth: slathering oils on your skin won’t prevent stretch marks.

  • Skin is way more complex than just oils. It's a fab mix of ceramides, squalane, urea, lactic acid, vitamins, and more – stuff you can't just squeeze out of a bottle of oil.
  • And while oils can’t provide all this, your skin is quite the clever cookie and can produce it all by itself. The catch with oils? If you use them too often, they can strip away your skin’s own lipids (which is why light base oils are ace for tackling blackheads, by the way) and even push out moisture.
So, what does your skin really crave during pregnancy?

1. It’s all about boosting blood flow (just the right amount) and lymph circulation. A dry brush massage with THE BRUSH is perfect for this.

2. External nourishment means hydrating and fortifying your skin. Enter THE BODY CREAM FOR RECOVERY, a cream that’s already helped loads of pregnant beauties reduce stretch marks and improve their skin's quality.

3. A quick note – if your skin is genetically prone to or just happens to break down dermis while keeping the epidermis intact (think not enough collagen and elastin), it's not the end of the world. It means your body is still doing its best to protect you (the skin’s main gig), though it might tweak how your skin looks as it stretches.

 Ingesting oils during pregnancy

As for ingesting oils during pregnancy, evening primrose oil often gets the nod to supposedly boost cervical elasticity during labor. But here’s the skinny on oils rich in linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids: depending on your unique microbiome, they might actually fire up inflammation, especially if your omega-3/omega-6 balance is off, tipping towards too much omega-6. The ideal balance is often debated, sometimes it's 1:3, sometimes it's 1:6.

The real kicker? Omega-3s are tough to get enough of (mostly from wild-caught fish), while we’re usually overdosing on omega-6s, thanks to all the plant oils in our food – from cooking oils to baked goods to dressings.

The Summary
Debunking pregnancy skincare myths: Oils can't prevent stretch marks and may strip skin lipids. Opt for dry brushing with THE BRUSH is perfect for this.

and nourishing creams like THE BODY CREAM FOR RECOVERY.

The Body Cream. For Recovery.
The Body Cream.
For Recovery.
200 ml | € 67
We all need a little extra love sometimes. This product is all about recovery, addressing your body’s woes, spanning irritation to sensitivity to inflammation. Problem solving is what it's here for.
The Brush.
The Brush. € 31
It took 20 different renditions of this brush to find the ideal softness for your body. Do we need to say more? (Don’t worry, we do. Scroll down).
The Oil. For Nourishing.
The Oil.
For Nourishing.
30 ml | € 45
Adding an extra protective layer to the skin and saying a big farewell to any inkling of dryness. This oil is both restorative and versatile, removing make-up before you can finish saying ‘CREAMLY.!’.
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